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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Students of the Month August 2012

Justin Alfano

Justin is one of the students who have been studying with me the longest.  As such he is also one of my most advanced.  It has been a pleasure to see him develop the level musicality that he has reached over the last couple of years.  I like to acknowledge students when they put forth a noticeable amount of effort and he has done so over the last few weeks.  I have asked him to take on one of the heaviest workloads within our Rock School program and he has risen to the occasion, even taking it upon himself to arrange a more accurate version of the transcriptions.  I always know I can depend on him to know his parts with minimal assistance from me.  I look forward to continuing our efforts with music theory and seeing what interesting ideas he will certainly have as he takes on songwriting.

Spencer Lynch

  August features A.I. Root 8th grader, Spencer Lynch, as our percussion student of the month.  Spencer has been a student of mine since I began teaching at Woodsy's almost five years ago. With the encouragement of Spencer's Father, David, he has blossomed into a first rate player of several styles of music, including Jazz,  Afro-Cuban, and Latin. All this diversity enables Spencer to enjoy playing drums to his favorite Rock bands and participating in the Jazz and Concert bands at school. Thanks for all your hard work Spencer.
                                 -Roy King