What's your "go to" guitar when your on stage?
I primarily play an American Telecaster. I used to play a Les Paul, but after a brief stint with a country band I fell in love with the Tele. The Telecaster is a very basic, rugged, durable, guitar without a lot of moving parts. It's basically just a slab of wood with a neck bolted to it. The electronics and wiring are simple as well. Sonically the Telecaster seems to cut through all the madness on stage. I think Telecasters stay in tune better than most guitars also. Although the Stratocaster is a much more versatile guitar due to the pick-up scenario, the Telecaster can be used to play just about anything from jazz, blues, and rock to metal and country. (plus I just think that there is something very cool about telecasters!)
What's your rig like? What kind of pedals, effects, and amp are you using?
I never have been a big fan of using effects. Although I have went through stages where I have experimented with them. My rig is a Fender Telecaster played through a Fender Deluxe Reverb amplifier that has had some modifications done to it by Mike Perkheiser. I also have used a Roland JC-120 extensively over the years. As far as effects go I try to keep it simple. REALLY SIMPLE! I use a tuner of some sort and a Marshall Blues Breaker Distortion pedal. That's it. Every now and then I will buy a new pedal or effect and try to implement it in some form or fashion, but it never seems to last long. The older I get the more all those tricks and gadgets just seem silly to me. Plus the kind of music that turns me on doesn't require all that mumbo jumbo....
What kind of strings do you play? Why?
I have tried every kind of electric guitar string there is over the years. S.I.T., D'Addario's, Slinky, Ernie Ball, ect. ect. In my opinion DR makes the best electric guitar strings. PERIOD! They last longer without breaking. They stay in tune longer. They sound newer longer. Strings are very under rated. There have been times when I haven't been able to get my hands on DR's so I've had to use another brand and it was terrible! Such a big difference! I like to use 11 gauge strings because they sound better than those light gauge strings. I would play 12's or even 13's if I was strong enough too. Trust me I've tried. I'm not into tapping or playing supper fast so the added string girth doesn't bother me.
When did you start playing?
I didn't start playing the guitar until I was in my Twenties. I'm a late bloomer. I'm just grateful that I decided to start playing. Now it's such a big part of my life and so integral in my happiness. Never too late, Never too soon......
Any advice for the younger players?
My advise to anyone who is starting down there own guitar path would be to stay true to yourself. Don't follow any trend or fad. Do what makes YOU happy. If you want to play cover music and be in a Warrant tribute band then DO IT! If you want to write your own music then DO IT! If you want to hustle the bars and make a little cash DO IT! If you just want to hang out in your basement and record your own ideas and stuff THAT'S COOL TOO! There really is no Right or Wrong way to do this. Just remember that you are only going to get out of this what you put into it. If you aren't going to practice much then it will show. I have found that my happiness is directly proportional to my guitar playing. If I'm playing well and the band is doing good then I'm happy as a clam! When I don't practice and am not playing well I am miserable. In just a few short years anyone can learn to play well enough to be in a band or whatever. It's really all up to you......
What's on the Horizon for Pilgrim, and where can we check you guys out?
www.pilgrimband.com We are wrapping up our Second studio CD in Cleveland right now so we don't have to many shows booked. 2012 will begin to fill up shortly. On December 17th Pilgrim is playing at The Village Inn in Chippewa Lake. (my stomping grounds) And on December 23rd at The Winchester in Lakewood, Oh. Last year I think we had our busiest year and played Thirty Eight art playing?shows and I'm sure next year will get even busier.